Charcuter-tree Cheeseboard

Plateau de fromages Charcuter-tree

Impressionnez vos invités lors de vos soirées festives avec ce plateau de fromages très joyeux, en forme de magnifique sapin de Noël. Cette pièce maîtresse spectaculaire – mettant en valeur notre Sélection de fromages aromatisés Aux côtés des rai...

Impressionnez vos invités lors de vos soirées festives avec ce plateau de fromages très joyeux, en forme de magnifique sapin de Noël. Cette pièce maîtresse spectaculaire – mettant en valeur notre Sélection de fromages aromatisés Aux côtés des raisins, des figues et des brins de romarin, il occupera une place de choix sur votre table de fête. Et il est infiniment adaptable : personnalisez votre charcutier et amusez-vous à y ajouter vos fromages, fruits, baies, herbes, olives et noix préférés pour une touche personnelle.


  1. Leaving the wax on the cheese truckles for a pop of colour, cut each one into quarters. Next, cut each quarter into four.
  2. On a serving or chopping board, place a piece of parchment paper in a triangular Christmas tree shape, about 25x45cm.
  3. Arrange the cheese pieces in “stripes” – much like tinsel or paper chains – diagonally across the parchment paper, starting from the middle of the triangle and working your way over the rest (see the video here for inspiration). Alternate the stripes between the different cheeses to create contrast, keeping spaces between them for the fruits and garnishes.
  4. Fill the gaps between the cheeses with mixed grapes and quartered figs – and feel free to add other fruits such as cherry tomatoes or fresh berries for a pop of colour.
  5. Add some olives or nuts if you like – walnuts, almonds, or pecans are great choices, adding texture and depth to your charcuter-tree.
  6. Garnish the cheeseboard with sprigs of aromatic rosemary to complete the Christmas tree look.
  7. Serve immediately with Snowdonia Cheese Co crackers and chutney, bread and a selection of wines.


  1. Leaving the wax on the cheese truckles for a pop of colour, cut each one into quarters. Next, cut each quarter into four.
  2. On a serving or chopping board, place a piece of parchment paper in a triangular Christmas tree shape, about 25x45cm.
  3. Arrange the cheese pieces in “stripes” – much like tinsel or paper chains – diagonally across the parchment paper, starting from the middle of the triangle and working your way over the rest (see the video here for inspiration). Alternate the stripes between the different cheeses to create contrast, keeping spaces between them for the fruits and garnishes.
  4. Fill the gaps between the cheeses with mixed grapes and quartered figs – and feel free to add other fruits such as cherry tomatoes or fresh berries for a pop of colour.
  5. Add some olives or nuts if you like – walnuts, almonds, or pecans are great choices, adding texture and depth to your charcuter-tree.
  6. Garnish the cheeseboard with sprigs of aromatic rosemary to complete the Christmas tree look.
  7. Serve immediately with Snowdonia Cheese Co crackers and chutney, bread and a selection of wines.

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