Black Bomber Roasted Cauliflower Cheese

Chou-fleur rôti au fromage Black Bomber

Ce plat britannique classique reçoit une touche de magie de Snowdonia en utilisant notre velouté Le Black Bomber Welsh Rarebit Cheese Bake est mélangé avec un peu de lait comme sauce au fromage. La cuisson des fleurons de chou-fleur dans de l'huil...

Ce plat britannique classique reçoit une touche de magie de Snowdonia en utilisant notre velouté Le Black Bomber Welsh Rarebit Cheese Bake est mélangé avec un peu de lait comme sauce au fromage. La cuisson des fleurons de chou-fleur dans de l'huile d'olive et de la poudre de piment ajoute également des couches supplémentaires de saveur délicieuse - et le tout est garni d'oignons croustillants.


  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C/170°C fan/Gas 5
  2. Cut the cauliflower into florets and place on a baking tray. Drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle with chilli powder. Mix well to coat all the pieces.
  3. Roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes until just about tender, then tip into a medium-sized oven-proof dish or casserole.
  4. Cook the Black Bomber Welsh Rarebit Cheese Bake in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. Pour it into a bowl or jug and mix in the milk to make a cheese sauce.
  5. Pour the cheese sauce over the cauliflower in the dish. Scatter over the breadcrumbs and return to the oven for 15 minutes.
  6. Scatter over the crispy onions and bake for a further 10 minutes or until the sauce is bubbling and the top is turning golden.
  7. Sprinkle over the chopped chives before serving.


  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C/170°C fan/Gas 5
  2. Cut the cauliflower into florets and place on a baking tray. Drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle with chilli powder. Mix well to coat all the pieces.
  3. Roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes until just about tender, then tip into a medium-sized oven-proof dish or casserole.
  4. Cook the Black Bomber Welsh Rarebit Cheese Bake in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. Pour it into a bowl or jug and mix in the milk to make a cheese sauce.
  5. Pour the cheese sauce over the cauliflower in the dish. Scatter over the breadcrumbs and return to the oven for 15 minutes.
  6. Scatter over the crispy onions and bake for a further 10 minutes or until the sauce is bubbling and the top is turning golden.
  7. Sprinkle over the chopped chives before serving.

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