Mini-tableaux de la Saint-Valentin
Installez-vous confortablement pour une soirée romantique avec ces mini-plateaux simples de la Saint-Valentin. Composés des saveurs complémentaires du cheddar extra-vieux Black Bomber, du Bouncing Berry – notre cheddar affiné aux canneberges – et ...
Installez-vous confortablement pour une soirée romantique avec ces mini-plateaux simples de la Saint-Valentin. Composés des saveurs complémentaires du cheddar extra-vieux Black Bomber, du Bouncing Berry – notre cheddar affiné aux canneberges – et du chutney aux poires, aux dattes et au cognac, ils sont servis avec des fraises enrobées de chocolat pour une délicieuse friandise.
- Take the cheeses out of the fridge for at least half an hour to allow them to reach room temperature.
- Remove the sticky labels from the cheeses and cut the cheeses into wedges or cubes (please see our cutting guide for step-by-step instructions) before placing them on the board. We like to present the wedges with the wax on to add a splash of colour.
- For a romantic twist, cut the cheese into heart shapes.
- Place the jar of chutney on the sharing board (or decant it into bowls if preferred).
- Add the chocolate coated strawberries, then serve.
- Take the cheeses out of the fridge for at least half an hour to allow them to reach room temperature.
- Remove the sticky labels from the cheeses and cut the cheeses into wedges or cubes (please see our cutting guide for step-by-step instructions) before placing them on the board. We like to present the wedges with the wax on to add a splash of colour.
- For a romantic twist, cut the cheese into heart shapes.
- Place the jar of chutney on the sharing board (or decant it into bowls if preferred).
- Add the chocolate coated strawberries, then serve.