Black Bomber Vegetable Open Pie

Tarte ouverte aux légumes Black Bomber

Remplie de légumes et de cheddar extra-vieux fondu, cette tarte en pâte filo est délicieuse et étonnamment facile à préparer. Préparez les légumes à l'avance pour en faire la réponse parfaite à un souper rapide en milieu de semaine.
Remplie de légumes et de cheddar extra-vieux fondu, cette tarte en pâte filo est délicieuse et étonnamment facile à préparer. Préparez les légumes à l'avance pour en faire la réponse parfaite à un souper rapide en milieu de semaine.


  1. Line a loose-bottom pie dish with filo pastry, overlapping the edge of the dish, brushing each sheet with melted butter.
  2. Place the roasted onions, potatoes, silverskin onions and cubed cheese in a bowl.
  3. Add the chutney and lightly toss until all the ingredients are coated.
  4. Place the mixture in a pie dish and scatter it with cherry tomato halves.
  5. Gently pull the filo pastry over the pie to form a crust around the filling.
  6. Bake at 200C fan oven or gas 7 for approximately 20 minutes until the pastry is crispy and golden.
  7. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with fresh chives before serving.


  1. Line a loose-bottom pie dish with filo pastry, overlapping the edge of the dish, brushing each sheet with melted butter.
  2. Place the roasted onions, potatoes, silverskin onions and cubed cheese in a bowl.
  3. Add the chutney and lightly toss until all the ingredients are coated.
  4. Place the mixture in a pie dish and scatter it with cherry tomato halves.
  5. Gently pull the filo pastry over the pie to form a crust around the filling.
  6. Bake at 200C fan oven or gas 7 for approximately 20 minutes until the pastry is crispy and golden.
  7. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with fresh chives before serving.

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